What's in season?....Spring mountain vegetables!
In Japan, when sansai (山菜) or mountain vegetables appear in markets and on menus, it is a sign that spring is near. Sansai include the...
What's in season?....Citrus fruits
Vitamin-rich citrus fruits are abundant this season and are nature’s remedy for the winter illnesses that prevail. They are grown almost...
Vinegar - the Japanese health tonic
In Japan, vinegar or ‘su’ (す, 酢) has long been trusted for its myriad of health benefits. Samurai warriors reportedly drank it to relieve...
Consommé, bouillon, stock or broth...the instant base for your home-made soup
In Japan, instant stock cubes or granules are called consommé or bouillon and are sold at most supermarkets. These are prepared by simply...
4 Japanese Home Remedies for the Common Cold
Read our article about how to use natural ingredients to cure common winter illnesses. #NaturalHomeRemedies #RecentPost